Health and Safety Including Risk Incident Reporting Training

Package Price (incl. VAT)£12.95

Health and Safety including Risk Incident Reporting

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

The aims of this module are to further your understanding of Health and Safety along two strands. The first is Health and Safety legislation and the second is your role and the role of others in relation to Health and Safety within the workplace.

The contents will cover the following areas:

Introduction to the Health and Safety training session.

Legislation roles and responsibilities.

Health and Safety Executive regulations.

Guidance notes and codes of practice.

Management of Health and Safety in the workplace.

Risk assessment (including risk reporting).

Examples of workplace hazards.

Bullying and harassment by members of staff.

Safe working practice. (Latex allergy, needle stick injuries/ sharp injury's, buying of new equipment).

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

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