SOVA - Level 3 and POCA - Level 3 Training Package

Package Price (incl. VAT)£35.95

Safeguarding Children and Young People (POCA), Level 3 - Module 1

This course aims to provide you with some of the key knowledge and skills necessary to understand the issues related to ‘safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people’.

This involves understanding safeguarding definitions, legislation, inter-agency framework and policies; recognising types of abuse; professional responsibilities towards children; ways of recognising, responding, recording and preventing child abuse; handling information about a child and their guardian; clinical knowledge, skills and responsibilities, working with other professionals.

This module contains the following:
- Safeguarding Definitions
- Safeguarding Framework and Nursing Staff
- Introduction to Maltreatment
- Recognising Types of Abuse
Including FGM
An introduction to Modern Slavery and
Child Trafficking and Child Exploitation
- Reporting Maltreatment
- Ethics and Handling Information

This will be tested by a multiple choice quiz, with a pass mark of 75%.
This course should take up to 3 hours

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© 2023 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (POCA), Level 3 - Module 2

Legislation, Guidelines and Frameworks

This module contains the following:
- Key Legislation, Rights and Needs
- Implication of Legislations and Inter-agency Policy
- Inter-agency Frameworks and Assessment Processes
- Role and Importance of Safeguarding Partners
- Policies and Practice Between Locations

This will be tested by a multiple choice quiz, with a pass mark of 75%.

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© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (POCA), Level 3 - Module 3

Clinical Knowledge, Skills and Responsibilities

This module contains the following:
- Applying Clinical Knowledge in Context of Safeguarding
- Communicating with Children and Family
- Assessment and Escalation
- Management of Cases
- Patient, Death and Forensic Management

This will be tested by a multiple choice quiz, with a pass mark of 75%.

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© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (POCA), Level 3 - Module 4

Working with Other Professionals; Legal and QA Responsibilities

This module contains the following:
- Promoting a Supportive Environment
- Communicating Productively
- Recognising Who to Work With
- Issues Directly Affecting Professionals
- Active Participation in Assessment and Planning
- Advanced Documentation
- Contributing to Legal Processes
- Contributing to Audit Processes

This will be tested by a multiple choice quiz, with a pass mark of 75%.

This will only appear once all pages have been clicked on and read.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 3 - Section 1

Healthcare Professionals working with adults are required to complete a training course for the Safeguarding Adults at Risk (Vulnerable Adults), often referred to as POVA. This includes the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

This course will cover:

1. Legislation and official guidance references, including:
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Scheme 2004
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- No Secrets - The Protection of Vulnerable Adults 2000 & 2009 (official guidance published by the Department of Health and the Home Office)
- Care Standards Act 2000.
- The Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Care Act 2014

2. Definition of the term ‘Vulnerable Adult’ and understanding of the context of safeguarding and protection from abuse

3. Different types of abuse, evidence and the key signs of abuse

4. Case studies and examples of how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse

5. Different ways to minimise the risk of abuse

6. Reporting abuse if there is a suspicion that abuse has occurred (recognising and report unsafe practices).

7. Understanding the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards


The course consists of three sections. Each section is followed by a test.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 3 - Section 2

Health and social care professionals working with adults are required to complete a training course for the Safeguarding Adults at Risk (Vulnerable Adults), often referred to as POVA.

This course draws upon legislation and official guidance references, including:

- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Scheme 2004
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- No Secrets - The Protection of Vulnerable Adults 2000 & 2009 (official guidance published by the Department of Health and the Home Office)
- Care Standards Act 2000.
- The Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Care Act 2014

This course is intended for health and social care professionals; designated referrers; investigators; managers of staff who may refer; those who chair investigations; those who are responsible for the operational management of safeguarding issues or strategic management across services. It draws upon good practice guidance, in particular, the Sussex Multi-Agency Policy and Procedure for Safeguarding Adults at Risk.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.